We all have one. Mine is orange. Orange is warm, happy, exciting, nurturing yet its also confident, successful, bravery and fiery if necessary.
That speaks to me, to who I am as a person. What color describes you and why?
According to color psychology every color means something. It represents personality, work ethics, and motivation levels. It can affect thoughts, emotions and behavior in your everyday life. Your inner color doesn’t have to be the color presented in your home, it’s your color. Something just for you that you don’t have to share with the world unless you want to. My backup color is turquoise. It’s the combination of green and blue that I love. The freshness of green and the serenity of blue that brings a perfect balance and peace into my life. I’m a Libra. Balance is important to me in everything that I do.
What color brings you balance, peace and happiness?